[CentOS] Building an install disk on a USB key, solved

Fri May 21 15:02:03 UTC 2010
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

> m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>> Ok, there's been discussion, including, I think, on the wiki web page,
>> that syslinux is not correct. At any rate, after enough experimentation,
>> I have a working install on a USB key. The procedure is:
>> Using fdisk, partition your key: one partition, VFAT (type b, and toggle
>> the bootable flag), about 9M or 10M, and a second partition big enough
>> to hold a DVD. That should be type 83 (Linux native).
>> mkfs -t vfat <the DOS partition)
>> mkfs <the Linux partition
>> liveCD-iso-to-disk <.iso, w/ full path> /dev/<USB DOS partition>
>> mount <USB Linux partition> /mnt
>> cp <CentOS.iso> /mnt/
>> You're done. You do have to tell it "install from hard disk", and then
>> point it to the Linux partition.
>> I just did this and tested it (or at least as far as the "searching for
>> existing CentOS installations).
> Following these instructions, what iso do I use for the
> livecd-iso-to-disk step?

I used the full, one DVD .iso.
