[CentOS] obtaining non-packaged software


groknok at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 13:06:46 UTC 2010

On 6 November 2010 12:00, Mathieu Baudier <mbaudier at argeo.org> wrote:

> I use CentOS + EPEL as a base and include specific packages from
> RPMForge, using  includepkgs in the /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo
> file.
> For example my (very personal) package list from RPMForge:

Thanks a lot for the detailed and helpful answer. You answered all my questions!

In particular I had never heard of RPMForge, I will check it.

> An approach is then to look at earlier Fedora versions until you find
> a version of the software which is still compatible with the CentOS
> libraries.
> CentOS is more or less compatible with Fedora 6, but I found that up
> to Fedora 9 most packages rebuild easily

I checked my local mirror and it has packages from Fedora 7 onwards,
so there seem to be a way.

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