[CentOS] PATA Hard Drive woes

Wed Nov 3 15:46:36 UTC 2010
Todd Denniston <Todd.Denniston at tsb.cranrdte.navy.mil>

Keith Roberts wrote, On 11/03/2010 10:32 AM:
> On Sun, 31 Oct 2010, Keith Roberts wrote:
> There were about 79 Seek errors in the SMART logs of the 
> HDD.
> vivard did not show any errors when doing a full disk erase.
> So I ran an Advanced r/w scan again with Hitachi DFT, and 
> the result was OK.
> Any ideas what's happening please?

WFG: In writing it all, the seek motor knocked the dust out of it's way? (what dust?)
How about checking all the smart attributes and seeing if others are elevated.

Are you seeing any block "remap" activity?

> Is this disk usable, or is it still in need of replacing?

You have gotten SMART errors from this drive already, so:
You have to ask yourself, 'Do you feel lucky?', Well do y'a...

And the other question: If this drive up and dies shortly and I knew about the smart errors, will
the data owner complain more or less to me about the drive death later or drive replacement hassle now?

Only YOU (and the data owner) know the risk trade-off levels you have to consider.
Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane)
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter