[CentOS] httpd RPM newer than 2.0.63 avail for CentOS 4.x?

Sun Nov 7 12:13:27 UTC 2010
Robert Heller <heller at deepsoft.com>

At Sun, 7 Nov 2010 00:17:31 -0500 CentOS mailing list <centos at centos.org> wrote:

> I'm maintaining an internet-facing web server which is now running httpd
> 2.0.63 (httpd-2.0.63-2.el4s1.centos.2) which is now neary 2.5 years
> old(!?!).  I need to move to either 2.0.64 or 2.2.12 or later.  However,
> I've been unable to find available RPMs for such releases for CentOS
> 4.x.
> I have to believe that others have these needs also.  In light of this,
> how do others keep up with security upgrades for the httpd?  I'm rather
> new to this aspect of things, so am still in the process of sorting
> things out in this regard.

Red Hat backports security updates (from newer versions).  So long as
you have been applying the standard O/S updates (eg 'yum update')
regularly, your http is up-to-date WRT security updates.

> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks!
> --Phil

Robert Heller             -- 978-544-6933 / heller at deepsoft.com
Deepwoods Software        -- http://www.deepsoft.com/
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