[CentOS] Radeon HD 4550 driver

Fri Oct 8 20:00:16 UTC 2010
James A. Peltier <jpeltier at sfu.ca>

----- Original Message -----
| James A. Peltier wrote:
| >
| > ----- Original Message -----
| > | James A. Peltier wrote:
| > | > This is a known issue. The next proprietary ATI driver is due to
| > | > be
| > | > released sometime next month and will correct it.
| > | >
| > | Oh, *great*. So I wait a month before I can get his system running
| > | a
| > | security-fixed kernel....
| > |
| > | Btw, while I was waiting for a reply, I created an account on
| > | their
| > | website for their fora... and then I can't find a way to post....
| > | <rolls
| > | eyes>
| > |
| > | Thanks, James.
| > No problem. It was 6 hours of troubleshooting for me. This is
| > certainly
| > why I hate proprietary drivers. I haven't had any problems with
| > nVidia
| > that I can recall.
| Don't get me started on nVidia. I reinstall an *old* driver, because
| my
| card's too old, and I have to do it for several other users, every
| time I
| update the kernel.
| mark, 173, the 96 is for someone else, and....

Oh I know.  I add a script to the bottom of /etc/rc.local which will rebuild the driver after each patch.  You can also use the nVidia driver package as part of rpmforge or rpmfusion which uses DKMS to build the driver for you on each reboot.

James A. Peltier
Systems Analyst (FASNet), VIVARIUM Technical Director
Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus
Phone   : 778-782-6573
Fax     : 778-782-3045
E-Mail  : jpeltier at sfu.ca
Website : http://www.fas.sfu.ca | http://vivarium.cs.sfu.ca
MSN     : subatomic_spam at hotmail.com

Does your OS has a man 8 lart?