I have a question about software bridge setup (initscripts). If one sets up a bridge network: ifcfg-eth0: DEVICE=eth0 ONBOOT=yes BRIDGE=br0 HWADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ifcfg-eth1 DEVICE=eth1 ONBOOT=yes BRIDGE=br0 HWADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ifcfg-br0 DEVICE=br0 TYPE=Bridge BOOTPROTO=static BROADCAST=nnn.nnn.nnn.255 IPADDR=nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn NETMASK= NETWORK=nnn.nnn.nnn.0 ONBOOT=yes Deep in the guts of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth all of the proper magic using brutil is done EXCEPT it does not put the NICs into promisc mode. ALL of the documentation for setting up a software bridge talks about setting the NICs into promisc mode. My question: Which is wrong? The documentation for setting up a software bridge? OR /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth? *I* have patched /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth to include the line: /sbin/ip link set dev ${DEVICE} promisc on just after the lines /sbin/ip addr flush dev ${DEVICE} 2>/dev/null /sbin/ip link set dev ${DEVICE} up Should I file a bug report? In the CentOS bugzilla or the RHEL bugzilla (I am not a subscriber to Red Hat's support services)? -- Robert Heller -- 978-544-6933 Deepwoods Software -- Download the Model Railroad System http://www.deepsoft.com/ -- Binaries for Linux and MS-Windows heller at deepsoft.com -- http://www.deepsoft.com/ModelRailroadSystem/