On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 6:16 AM, Brent L. Bates <blbates at vigyan.com> wrote: > This error sounds familiar. If it is the same problem I've had a couple > of times, every time it happens, I forget what it was I did the last time to > fix it. :-( After I remember, it seems almost obvious. > After some more googling I found the solution and it wasn't obvious: sudo chmod 1777 /tmp In the case I really think the error message needs some improvement. I can see where getting the permissions right on the mount points can be tricky. I hope the rest of my permissions are ok. I used the following to do the heavy lifting (cd src; tar cf - --xattrs .) | (cd dest; tar xf -) Don't remember why I chose this over a cp -R based solution, or a similar idiom using dump/restore instead of tar. -- Drew Einhorn "You can see a lot by just looking." -- Yogi Berra