[CentOS] Openwebmail emergency (Perl)

Tue Oct 12 07:10:47 UTC 2010
Jussi Hirvi <listmember at greenspot.fi>

Thanks. Too bad I cannot speak Perl.

Here's the info:

[root at mail]# uname -a
Linux mail.greenspot.fi 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5 #1 SMP Tue Sep 21 05:09:20 
EDT 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

[root at mail]# rpm -q perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib perl-IO-Compress 
perl-IO-Compress-Zlib perl
package perl-IO-Compress-Zlib is not installed
[root at mail tiina]#

This could be caused by something in Openwebmail. I found info that 
whenever memGzip is not successful, it returns undef - this probabvly 
means "undefined subroutine", which is what Openwebmail now tells me.


Maybe this will help - here is the offending Openwebmail function:

sub httpprint {
    my ($r_headers, $r_htmls)=@_;
    if (is_http_compression_enabled()) {
       my $zhtml=Compress::Zlib::memGzip(join('',@{$r_htmls}));
       if ($zhtml ne '') {
          print httpheader(@{$r_headers},
                           '-Content-Length'=>length($zhtml)), $zhtml;
    my $len; foreach (@{$r_htmls}) { $len+=length($_); }
    print httpheader(@{$r_headers}, '-Content-Length'=>$len), @{$r_htmls};

- Jussi

On 12.10.2010 10.01, David Hrbáč wrote:
> Dne 12.10.2010 8:28, Jussi Hirvi napsal(a):
>> After system update yesterday, Openwebmail now gives an error:
>>> Undefined subroutine&Compress::Zlib::memGzip called at /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/shares/ow-shared.pl line 1175.
>> I tried to do
>> perl -MCPAN -e shell
>> install Compress::Zlib
>> But it says Compress::Zlib is up-to-date. What do to?? I cannot find an
>> answer by googling.
>> - Jussi
> Hi,
> what's the uname -a and rpm -q perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib perl-IO-Compress
> perl-IO-Compress-Zlib perl.
> I have just created testing pl script with Compress::Zlib::memGzip
> running smoothly.
> DH
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Jussi Hirvi * Green Spot
Topeliuksenkatu 15 C * 00250 Helsinki * Finland
Tel. +358 9 493 981 * Mobile +358 40 771 2098 (only sms)
jussi.hirvi at greenspot.fi * http://www.greenspot.fi