[CentOS] LDAP Mail Notice

Tue Oct 12 07:37:40 UTC 2010
sync <jiannma at gmail.com>

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Sean Hart <boardnutz at blacklight.net> wrote:

>>  Maybe what i said is not clear, because my English is too pool . Please
>> forgive me if  my expression is not precise.
>>   Doesn't matter what mail server you use, email is email.
>>  The following  is my environment :
>> Workspace Environment : CentOS 5.5  64bits  , Using Openldap Server  or
>> 389 LDAP Server
>> Mail Server :  Windows  Mail Server
>> For example :
>> If I create the new account called Tim on LDAP Server  , and his password
>> is 123456 , and his mail address is tim at test.com
>> Then will send an E-mail to him to notice his information , like his name
>> and his passowrd.
>> So Would someone can give some suggestions ?
>  Before we go any further on this, I'd like to give a very serious
> warning.  It is NEVER a good idea to email a password.  Email is, by
> definition, insecure.

Thanks for your advice . This is a test for the our company  Intranet .

> I'm not familiar with 389 LDAP Server, and after a quick look, it would
> make sense for me to read up on it.  Anyhow, my advice is going to come from
> the OpenLDAP side of things.
> I would:
>    1. Set up OpenLDAP (make sure to get a real certificate and require
>    TLS/SSL)
>    2. If using Samba, set up the smbldap tools (
>    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smbldap-Tools), can be useful even if not
>    using samba...
>    3. Start script (I'd use perl, since it's what I'm most familiar with)
>       1. Generate username (either collect from input or generate somehow
>       2. Generate password (There's a sub for that on the page referenced
>       earlier)
>       3. Contemplate making sure that the username is unique, and group
>       membership, etc.
>        4. call smbldap-useradd to add the user (add stuff like -m for the
>       mail address, check the smbldap-useradd documentation for handy switches
>       5. Compose body of email to user (this is probably mostly static,
>       but you will most likely want to substitute some variables like username,
>       etc
>       6. send the email (sub on the page earlier)
>       7. I repeat, please don't email passwords...  have them call you for
>       them or something...  email is the least secure thing on the damn planet
>    4. Sit back and have a beer, cuz yer done
> I'm happy to help if you need more.

I found the solution for sending mail to the new account .

It may use the perl script which calls the Net::SMTP module or Mail::Sender
module  or Mail::Sendmail  module to finish that .

And I had a test  just now and this is ok .

Thanks all ..

> Cheers,
> Sean
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