> If the app supports it (most good GNU like apps do) you need the double dash > option which will end option processing (ls -l -- -my_stupid_file.foo-) A script to rename files with unhelpful names: #! /bin/bash # Rename files by choosing from a menu C. Polisher 2003/04/21 ls -i echo -n "Enter inode of file to rename: " read j wasname=`find . -maxdepth 1 -inum "${j}" -printf "%p"` wasname=`echo "${wasname}"|cat -vET` echo -ne "\nEnter new name for inode ${j}" echo -n "${wasname}"" : " read newname echo -ne "\nrename ${wasname} to ${newname} (y or n)? " read yorn while true do case "${yorn}" in Y|y|yes|YES|Yes|yES) find . -maxdepth 1 -inum "${j}" -exec mv \{\} "${newname}" \; break ;; *) break ;; esac done -- Charles Polisher