> Is the processor an i686 or is in in fact an i586? That is, > is the installer really confused? It is i586. This matters only when executing one of the (few) instructions peculiar to i686. ISTR attempting to use LX800 as i686 eventually hits hang conditions, but that was years ago. > > So, does anyone have any thoughts on getting CentOS 5.x to > > install on a Geode LX? I installed on another machine, and built my own kernel (which allowed me to claim i586). Then I moved the hard drive to my LX800 HW. Doing this also allowed me to make irq-0 sharable as required by my decades-old hardware, to select a 500HZ clock (likewise required by old hardware), and trim off un-needed options to reduce the size of the running kernel. The religious doctrine (of RH) embodied in not supplying full kernel source made this more difficult, but not impossible. > This was posted to the CentOS list back in March of 2009: ...much more tedious than installing on "accepted" hardware. ******************************************************************* This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses. www.Hubbell.com - Hubbell Incorporated**