[CentOS] OT: sendmail access

Sun Sep 12 05:11:50 UTC 2010
Lonnie Maynard <lonniem at aspsys.com>


The safest way to do this is to enable and configure SMTP AUTH. This is 
based on SASL, and you'll need to yum list "*cyrus-sasl*" to see the 
packages you need. You can use plain text auth over starttls and the 
user can then authenticate with their username and password securely. If 
you don't use starttls, you'll need a more secure authorization mechanism.

This will allow the user to authenticate and relay mail no matter what 
IP address or network they are accessing your server from. Here's a link 
for more information.



On 09/11/2010 10:58 PM, Richard Gliebe wrote:
> We have to setup relaying for a person, which is connected to the
> internet with a dailup connection. So every x days the IP and the
> hostname will change.
> Is there a solution how to set up /etc/mail/access to relay there Emails
> permanent (maybe: FQDN from the 'mail from' domain, which is permantly -
> <ourdomain>.at?)
> Configure our access file with wildcards (IP: xxx.xxx.) is to insecure
> for us.
> At the moment, after there IP was changed, I also have to change the
> access file.
> Or is there another way to fix my problem.
> pop3 before smtp (our client fetches there emails with POP3s) isn't an
> option for us.
> many, many thanks
> Richard
Lonnie Maynard, Vice President of Engineering, Aspen Systems, Inc.
lonniem at aspsys.com  http://www.aspsys.com   3900 Youngfield Street
Tel: +01 303.431.4606 ext:135           Wheat Ridge CO  80033, USA
Fax: +01 303 431 7196          Toll Free: 1 (800)-992-9242 ext:135