> I've been trying to do traffic shaping on one of my public servers and > after reading up, it seems like the way to do so is via tc/htb. > However, most of the documentation seems at least half a decade old > with nothing new recently. > > Furthermore, trying to get documentation on tc filters turned up a > blank. man tc refers to a tc-filters (8) but trying to man that gives > a no such page/section error. Googling on this seems to imply that the > documentation was never created. The author also seems to have stop > updating his blog/company site since 2007 based on the last login date > on netherlabs.nl > > So I'm wondering is tc the current and recommended method for traffic > shaping on CentOS or is there some newer method that has superceded > it? Yes, it still work pretty on CentOS. I don't remember what documentation I used when I set up traffic shaping on my server, but there was no problems. So I think you can try to use the documentation that you have found.