[CentOS] I have RHel6. How does that turn into Centos 6?

Sat Apr 30 11:31:15 UTC 2011
Kai Schaetzl <maillists at conactive.com>

Paul Johnson wrote on Fri, 29 Apr 2011 11:17:23 -0500:

> After that, what am I legally required to do?

This is not the place to ask.

> I've just read that document and it seems to say that you could take
> all of the RPMs exactly as they are built by RedHat and include them
> on a disk, and you can label the disk "Centos 6", and you are
> completely within the guidelines.

It doesn't matter if you can or not. I wished you hadn't started this 
thread. Just more dead weight for the list. Please kill it by not replying 

This list once was a valuable peer-to-peer support list but has been 
turning into a meta-centos/rhel discussion list lately. There was already 
a lot of off-topic "linux-only" stuff on it in the past that didn't 
qualify for "centosy" things, but that at least was technical and some 
people might still benefit from it when working with CentOS. But this and 
the other discussion we had here lately is of interest to only a tiny 
Admins, please stop this trend!
Please consider opening a "centos-discuss" list that will welcome this 
sort of topic so we can get a "clean" list back. Thanks. I'm tired of 
evading dozens and dozens of posts to find the few valuable ones.
