[CentOS] Can anyone suggest a SCSI 3 card in either PCI-X or PCI-E x 4 for a Dell Poweredge 2900?

John R Pierce

pierce at hogranch.com
Thu Apr 7 17:45:58 UTC 2011

On 04/07/11 10:23 AM, Kevin Thorpe wrote:
> The only PCI-X card I have is an old ICP Vortex RAID controller and
> the Dell hangs with that installed (BIOS is disabled).
> It's only for a tape drive so performance isn't really an issue.

parallel scsi is becoming somewhat archaic, and probably getting harder 
to find, but I've always liked the LSI Logic scsi cards.

for PCI-X, that would be a LSI-U320, and for PCI-E X4, a LSU20320IE  
(both those have internal and external and external connectors on the 
same U320 SCSI channel)

a few more choices here, 
(some have dual channels, others have different connectors)

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