[CentOS] 4kB sector size HDDs
Devin Reade
gdr at gno.orgThu Apr 21 15:17:48 UTC 2011
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--On Thursday, April 21, 2011 11:16:36 AM +0200 Dawid Horacio Golebiewski <dawid.golebiewski at tu-harburg.de> wrote: > Do any of you have one of the 'new' HDDs with 4kB Sectors currently in > use? I have them in use, and set up the partitions manually before installing the OS. This is the relevent entry from my server changelog, prior to installing CentOS 5.5: + since this machine is using new drives with 4k blocks, used fdisk to ensure that sector alignment will be sane: fdisk -H 224 -S 56 /dev/sd{a,b} In doing so, I created a 200MB RAID1 partition (type 0xfd) and another RAID1 partition with the remaining disk for use by LVM. I found it necessary to use fdisk manually on both disks, because the following command choked (probably due to the geometry thing): sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk /dev/sdb (DOESN'T WORK) I case it's not obvious, the partitions on sda and sdb are then mirrored, the small one for /boot, the large one for the remaining filesystems under LVM. If you're using the Caviar green drives, beware of excessive head park and quickly increasing load cycle counts. I fixed that with using an idle timeout of 300 seconds (vice 8 seconds) per: <http://community.wdc.com/t5/Desktop/Green-Caviar-High-Load-Cycle-Cout-after-short-operation-time/td-p/15731/page/7> Devin
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