[CentOS] Two ftp clients? Why?

Tue Aug 2 21:12:50 UTC 2011
Chris Weisiger <cweisiger at bellsouth.net>

Would that be the same as:
why are there multiple desktops: kde gnome
why are there multiple browsers: firefox konquerer
why are there multiple text editors: vim joe nano
why are there multiple mail distribution tools: sendmail, exim, postfix



--- On Tue, 8/2/11, Miguel Medalha <miguelmedalha at sapo.pt> wrote:

> From: Miguel Medalha <miguelmedalha at sapo.pt>
> Subject: Re: [CentOS] Two ftp clients? Why?
> To: "CentOS mailing list" <centos at centos.org>
> Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 4:01 PM
> >
> > What I'm left wondering is:
> >
> > 1) Why you are relying on PATH expansion for this from
> something as
> > critical as a cron job.  It is good sysadmin
> practice to specify
> > explicit paths for situations like this rather than to
> worry about
> > whether or not there is a good or valid reason for
> there being 2 ftp
> > clients installed on the system.
> That was precisely my thought. I often noticed that people
> find it 
> easier to blame others rather then questioning and
> rethinking their own 
> actions...
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