[CentOS] Two ftp clients? Why?

Tue Aug 2 21:47:07 UTC 2011
Jeff Allison <jeff.allison at allygray.2y.net>

On 03/08/2011, at 7:32 AM, James B. Byrne wrote:

> Mike A. Harris mharris at mharris.ca
> Tue Aug 2 16:45:56 EDT 2011
>> What I'm left wondering is:
>> 1) Why you are relying on PATH expansion for this from something as
>> critical as a cron job.  It is good sysadmin practice to specify
>> explicit paths for situations like this rather than to worry about
>> whether or not there is a good or valid reason for there being 2
>> ftp clients installed on the system.
> Point taken and that is e=indeed what i subsequently did.  However,
> in my defence I explicitly set the PATH variable in the crontab
> entry prior to invoking the calling script that uses ftp.  It never
> crossed my mind that I should have first done a 'which ftp' to
> discover which one was being used in my login shell because it never
> crossed my mind that there would be two different ftp clients on my
> systems to begin with.
> And frankly, I do not think that anyone would a priori conceive of
> there being two separate telnet clients, two different sftp clients,
> or two of anything else of a similar nature as being a reasonable
> possibility.

Ignoring why you would or wouldn't use ftp. i believe your question was answered a while ago...

gollum.deepsoft.com% rpm -qf /usr/kerberos/bin/ftp /usr/bin/ftp

If the kerberos workstation package is installed you get the kerberos ftp client.
