[CentOS] Two ftp clients? Why?

Wed Aug 3 11:57:33 UTC 2011
Robert Heller <heller at deepsoft.com>

At Wed, 03 Aug 2011 14:12:27 +0900 CentOS mailing list <centos at centos.org> wrote:

> On 08/03/2011 06:41 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:
> > But back to the original problem, why would anyone use ftp in this
> > century when rsync or http(s) are so much easier to manage?
> Do we have Kerberized rsync yet? Or Globus rsync?
> If so... please post a link and... (^.^)

Is there a Kerberized ssh? Or a Kerberized ssh-agent?

> Anyway, that sort of gets to the heart of just why we have several (not 
> just two) ftp options. ftp, vsftp, Kerberized ftp, gridftp, etc... Its a 
> pretty common tool and in some specific cases scripting the niche ones 
> is necessary due to a lack of alternatives to match a given environment 
> -- though if security isn't an issue (bringing in signed, public 
> packages from a repo, say)... then yeah, rsync; though some people view 
> it as "just one more thing to have to learn" and never discovering the 
> benefits.
> -Iwao
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Robert Heller             -- 978-544-6933 / heller at deepsoft.com
Deepwoods Software        -- http://www.deepsoft.com/
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