[CentOS] e-mail serving

Wed Aug 3 18:37:24 UTC 2011
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

On 8/3/2011 1:20 PM, Todd wrote:
> Hi John,
>     what are you doing with this email when you recieve it, beyond just
>     saving it?
> I plan to analysis the mail to group into e-mails on the same topic and
> create a comprehensive answer to the topics. Along the lines of a FAQ
> for topics that are continually being asked over and over as well as
> more advanced, obscure topics that people may want to chime into.

Couldn't you do that by walking the list archives or a google search of 
a topic without receiving a copy of everything yourself?

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com