[CentOS] Centos Gotcha: YUM Groupinstall

Thu Aug 18 10:53:48 UTC 2011
James Pearson <james-p at moving-picture.com>

david wrote:
> Folks
> I have encountered a situation with YUM that isn't what I expected.
> Let's suppose I want to install a group, call it G.  My first 
> question would be -- is the group already installed.  Realize all of 
> this is scripted.
> So, I use
>    yum groupinfo
> and I see the list of installed groups, and those not yet installed.
> If group G is in the list of installed groups, one would think that 
> there's no point in issuing a "groupinstall".
> But, to my surprise, a group can be listed as "installed", only to 
> find that a groupinstall will actually do a lot of installs.
> So, I had to adapt my script to perform a "groupinfo G", parse the 
> modules, and individually test them to see if they need installation.
> I do not understand this behavior -- group G is shown as "installed", 
> but it really isn't.

If you need the group installed, why not just issue the 'yum 
groupinstall' - if all the RPMS are already installed, then yum does 
nothing - if not, it will install what you need - i.e. yum will do what 
you need without extra scripting.

James Pearson