[CentOS] which firewall to automatically block bandwidth abusers?

Thu Aug 18 19:09:06 UTC 2011
Always Learning <centos at u61.u22.net>

On Thu, 2011-08-18 at 21:01 +0200, Rudi Ahlers wrote:

> I need to automatically block any user who abuses bandwidth, either
> incoming or outgoing. I should be able to set the limits, in either
> rate/s or usage/s: 1Mb/s or 10GB/h, for example.

First question is:

(a) how can you get the IP address ?

(b) how can you introduce a, or use an existing, system to record and
store the data amounts (bandwidth) and IP addresses ?

(c) how long will this information be retained before being discarded ?

(d) how can you monitor on every change to the data amount ?

(e) will it do both IP4 and IP6 ?

(f) what mechanism can you use to block the IP address ... IP Tables via
simple BASH command ?

Its an interesting requirement.

With best regards,
