[CentOS] Apache Changing IPtables C 5.6 via Apache

Sun Aug 21 13:00:59 UTC 2011
John R. Dennison <jrd at gerdesas.com>

On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 05:46:18AM -0700, Craig White wrote:
> What you seem to want to do is to block host access (TCP possibly UDP)
> based upon certain GET/POST activities on your web server. Thus you are
> attempting to create a curtain based upon things that have already
> failed and eventually you will get a huge IPTABLES filter that will slow
> up all traffic while parsing the rules. I would suspect that this would

fail2ban handles rule expiration; firewall rules can be configured as
the admin sees fit for the offending action.  In fact each trigger can
have a configurable lifetime.  fail2ban also ships with working apache
triggers, for example there is one that triggers off of failed auth
attempts; these can be modified to fit the OP's needs with minimal work.

> You should spend the time protecting the server with good system
> administration... SELinux, which you state 'you are not using at the
> moment' is a prime example.

There is little excuse in not having selinux enabled.  Every hacked box
we've seen in #centos for the past few years has had selinux disabled;
not one that I've seen reported had it enabled.

> The security issues you should be worrying about are not the things that
> are getting logged - that's just a record of things that already didn't
> work.

True, but blocking automated 5cr1p7-k1dd135 probes will reduce log
volume and potentially protect you from probes further down the scan
chain that haven't hit yet that you may be vulnerable to.

We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once.

-- Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933), 30th president of the United States
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