[CentOS] Not receiving root mail

Tue Aug 23 16:33:46 UTC 2011
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

On 8/23/2011 4:46 AM, Tony Mountifield wrote:
>> I removed sendmail - but it also removed clamav-milter.  When I tried
>> to re-install clamav-milter it would have pulled sendmail back in so I
>> aborted.  Advice?
> milters are specific to sendmail. clamav-milter is a linkage between
> ClamAV and sendmail, so you don't need it with postfix. If you want to
> use ClamAV, you will need to find out how to link it with postfix, but
> it won't be by using clamav-milter.

I only use sendmail with MimeDefang as a milter (which can coordinate 
everything else), but I thought that postfix has had milter support for 
a few years now.

  Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com