[CentOS] Apache warns Web server admins of DoS attack tool

Fri Aug 26 05:56:19 UTC 2011
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

On 08/25/11 10:48 PM, Emmanuel Noobadmin wrote:
> I think you're misunderstanding John there? Rather than suggesting
> using a single large httpd.conf file,  he seems to be just pointing
> out that the default config already includes any *.conf files inside
> the conf.d directory so you could just add the additional/sub .conf
> files in there for consistency.

and modifying a config file thats part of the base RPM can easily cause 
issues downstream.   if nothing else, an httpd update will leave a 
.rpmnew file there for you to puzzle over and match against your 
changes.     by putting all your site specific configurations in various 
.conf files in the conf.d directory, your stuff is portable, and can be 
rpm deployed on any el system without complications.

but AlwaysTalking seems to know better.

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast