[CentOS] rpm and /etc/cron.daily/rpm

Greg Bailey

gbailey at lxpro.com
Mon Aug 29 17:28:12 UTC 2011

  On 08/29/2011 09:49 AM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Greg Bailey wrote:
>>    On 08/29/2011 08:54 AM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>>> The rpm package used to provide
>>> /etc/cron.daily/rpm
>>> /etc/logrotate.d/rpm
>>> I see /usr/lib/rpm/rpm.log and rpm.daily, which looks like they're
>>> intended for that purpose. Anyone have any idea why they're not in
>>> cron.daily and logrotate.d?
>> Looks like those files are now provided by the "rpm-cron" package in
>> RHEL 6 / CentOS 6.
> Thanks, Greg. Though it seems really dumb and pointless to make a separate
> package just to run something that's already in the rpm package.

Looks like:


has the rationale...


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