[CentOS] 6.0 Media problems

John Hodrien

J.H.Hodrien at leeds.ac.uk
Tue Aug 30 08:32:44 UTC 2011

On Mon, 29 Aug 2011, John R Pierce wrote:

> On 08/29/11 3:20 AM, ken wrote:
> You can continue to run EL 5 on it for years to come.  Or choose any
> number of other Linux distributions which target down rev hardware.

Or just do what I did.  Put an EL5 install on (which runs nicely).  Download
the El6 live CD, and chroot into that (to use the newer yum).  Using that yum,
do a yum install of EL6 into a new partition (I've previously used anaconda
for this, but this time I used yum).  Install a kernel that doesn't need PAE:

name=Non-PAE kernel build for el6/i686

Twiddle the grub config, reboot, and be happy that your machine (in my case a
6 year old 1.1GHz Pentium M based laptop) runs CentOS 6 beautifully.

If you want to run linux on old hardware, you need to bring your own linux
knowledge to bear.


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