[CentOS] e-mail serving

Wed Aug 3 18:26:40 UTC 2011
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

On 08/03/11 11:20 AM, Todd wrote:
> Hi John,
>     what are you doing with this email when you recieve it, beyond just
>     saving it?
> I plan to analysis the mail to group into e-mails on the same topic 
> and create a comprehensive answer to the topics. Along the lines of a 
> FAQ for topics that are continually being asked over and over as well 
> as more advanced, obscure topics that people may want to chime into.
> If I had $500 to spend, not counting money for hard disks, could I 
> even get a machine for that? or do I really need to be scraping more 
> cash together?

That machine I mentioned, configured with 2 x 6 core 2.8Ghz E5660's and 
48GB ram, and the 25 bay SFF (2.5") drive chassis, redundant power, and 
a P411 RAID card with 1gb flash-back write-cache (equivalent to battery 
backed, but without needing battery replacements every 3-4 years) was 
about $8000 with a discount.  and no disks.

for $500, you could get a low end desktop computer.   or a HP microserver.

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast