[CentOS] compiling buoh comic reader for C-6

Sat Aug 6 21:53:48 UTC 2011
fred smith <fredex at fcshome.stoneham.ma.us>

On Sat, Aug 06, 2011 at 01:40:59PM +0200, Thomas Johansson wrote:
> On 2011-08-06 04:01, fred smith wrote:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > I'm trying to build the buoh comic reader for centos 6 and my head is
> > getting tired of repeated forceful contact with the wall.
> >
> > The configure script refuses to deal with libsoup-2.4. so I look at what
> > pkgconfig thinks the installed libsoup is, hack the configure script
> > to look for that version and voila!
> >
> I have now checked the website for buoh. The project is now mantained in the GNOME git repository 
> (http://git.gnome.org/browse/buoh/). It has been adopted for libsoup-2.4 but also for gtk+3. The problem for 
> C6 is that gtk+3 is not available. It is available in Fedora14 or higher.
> Build a static binary on 5.6 and use that one or change comic reader.

Thanks to all those who suggested doing a static build.

Either I'm still failing to understand something, or else a static
build isn't possible... it builds a binary exactly the same size as a
"normal" build, which "ldd buoh" reports with the same lengthy list of
required shared objects. For the small number of them that I examined,
there doesn't seem to be a libfoo.a, only the libfoo.so.
(tried passing flags to configure to force a static build, to no
avail, so I manually hacked all the Makefiles and added "-static"
to all the CFLAGS and XXXX_CFLAGS variables.)

so I took a different approach:
copy over /usr/include/libsoup-2.2 from centos 5.6 to 6.0, as well as all
the libsoup items from /usr/lib.

ran ./configure and it didn't report any problems. 

ran "make" and it compiled a pile of .c files, then attempted to link 
buoh itself, which produces a couple dozen errors about undefined
references to things in gnutls
(gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_file at GNUTLS_1_3',
gnutls_record_send at GNUTLS_1_3, gnutls_init at GNUTLS_1_3, gnutls_certificate_free_credentials at GNUTLS_1_3, etc., etc.)

I haven't yet also tried copying over all the gnutls files from 5.6
to 6.0, but I guess that's my next step.

or maybe I'll put it on the back burner til I get reduced frustration! :(

Another thought: all the libsoup stuff is isolated to a single source
file. wonder if it's possible to take the that one file from GIT
and use it to replace the same file from the last release, thereby 
removing the requirement for libsoup-2.2, and have a snowball's
chance of compiling (and working)... nah, I don't suppose so....

Or buckle down and learn something about libsoup and patch it up

---- Fred Smith -- fredex at fcshome.stoneham.ma.us -----------------------------
  "And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
  Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government there will be no end. He 
 will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding
      it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever."
------------------------------- Isaiah 9:7 (niv) ------------------------------