[CentOS] Can two machines in the same network have the same hostname with different IPs?

Tue Aug 9 09:43:10 UTC 2011
Diego Sanchez <diegors at gmail.com>

Are you trying to use Round Robin DNS?
Yes, you can

But, remember.. If you use same hostname, the client will access to
them in "random"

2011/8/9, Indunil Jayasooriya <indunil75 at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> Can two machines in the same network have the *same hostname* with different
> IPs? I have done it in test environment. I want to do it under production?
> is it possible ? is it recommended?
> let's say .
> one Server is *mail.example.com* with ip address**
> the other Server is also *mail.example.com* but with another ip
> address *
> *
> --
> Thank you
> Indunil Jayasooriya

Enviado desde mi dispositivo móvil

Diego - Yo no soy paranoico! (pero que me siguen, me siguen)

El que usa una firma mas larga que el mail que envia, se la come