[CentOS] Using Samba to share Apache web root, securely

Thu Aug 11 02:16:24 UTC 2011
Always Learning <centos at u61.u22.net>

On Wed, 2011-08-10 at 18:18 -0700, Craig White wrote:

> For that matter, please explain how if any html directory served by
> apache (runs as user/group apache/apache)...
> user/group root/department_group
> files 0664
> directories 1775
> are in any way vulnerable to world write access or otherwise represent
> an insecure configuration because I want to learn.

All mine are:-

files: root r/w, group r, others r
directories: root rwx, group x, others x

except .htaccess for each domain which is writable by Apache because, at
the slightest hacking attempt, the hackers IP address is instantly added
to the .htaccess with a Deny statement.

With best regards,
