[CentOS] can't list directories in ftp

Sat Aug 13 18:07:09 UTC 2011
Barry Brimer <lists at brimer.org>

> Hello again, Barry
> Yes interestingly enough that seemed to do it for the local test. This is odd, because I remember setting up another ProFTPd server with this directive and never ran into this issue.
> Nevertheless, once I commented out the MasqueradeAddress directive it works locally.


> 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,253,20).


> Which is nice! But when I try to connect remotely this is what occurs:


> Response:	227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,48,251,255).

> Seriously thanks for your help here, it's greatly appreciated!

You're welcome.

Look above where I've left in the "Entering Passive Mode" line.  This is 
the address that is being used to send the connection back through.  As 
expected with localhost, it used, remotely, it used  That is not going to work if you are being NATed somewhere 
using a different (public) IP address.  That is where the 
MasqueradeAddress comes into play.  Of course this only applies to 
*passive* ftp connections.  Active FTP connections would be unaffected. 
By any chance when you tested and this worked in the past could you have 
been testing with active ftp?
