[CentOS] rsync CR upgrade

Tue Aug 23 19:30:03 UTC 2011
Ned Slider <ned at unixmail.co.uk>

On 23/08/11 12:35, Michael Simpson wrote:
> Hello
> Is anyone else having problems on 5.6 using the new rsync from the CR repo
> I have only managed to get rsync (called from the cli) working again
> after downgrading it to the previous 2.x release as the newer version
> was just spitting out the ssh usage information and failing.
> This server is stock i386 with just the CR as an extra repo.
> regards
> mike

Known issue I'm guessing:


which was fixed nearly a month ago.

If this is your issue, try appending username at host like so:

rsync user at host:/

as a workaround, but I'm not sure why CentOS is still shipping an old 
broken version?