[CentOS] Off topic list for centos please?

Thu Aug 25 15:32:10 UTC 2011
Always Learning <centos at u61.u22.net>

On Thu, 2011-08-25 at 10:34 -0400, Ross Walker wrote:

> How about specific on-topic lists, such as:
> centos.storage
> centos.deploy
> centos.manage
> centos.gui

If subscribing to a few, but not all, one could miss really interesting
and informative, although unexpected, information in one of the others.

If someone wrote about storage and also mentioned 'gui' that person,
according to your suggestion, should post to two lists and if they
explained, at the same time, how they deployed it, 3 lists instead of
one ?  This inevitably means readers could seem multiple postings,
although in different lists, for the same topic and if responding should
they post 2 or 3 identical replies - one to each list containing the
posting ?

Your idea could be modified to including on the subject line a one-word
prefix for the topic. For example 'Storage: ......'

I concur with the others who thought OT traffic should be marked 'OT'
on the subject line and filtered out. Meanwhile retaining one Centos
Users list.

With best regards,
