[CentOS] 6.0 Media problems

Mon Aug 29 01:06:44 UTC 2011
ken <gebser at mousecar.com>

When I downloaded the iso for 6.0 install, K3b said the iso wouldn't fit
on the blank DVD.

So I downloaded and burned the LiveDVD.  When I boot it, I get the blue
splash screen (it says "CentOS... Community Enterprise OS on the bottom,
logo to the right), but nothing else comes up.  Hitting various keys
does nothing.

Downloaded and burned the Netinstall CD.  It gives an error message that
it can't install because the machine's CPU doesn't have pae.

So is it the end of CentOS/RH for this machine?  (I can't believe that.
 One of the great things about Linux has always been that it'll run on
old hardware.)  Or are these fixable problems?  Or are there workarounds?

Or should I go for a different distribution?

War is a failure of the imagination.
        --William Blake