[CentOS] Centos 6x86_64: no hypervisor options were found for this connection

Mon Dec 5 01:53:52 UTC 2011
nux at li.nux.ro <nux at li.nux.ro>

Jason Pyeron writes:

> After following http://itscblog.tamu.edu/startup-guide-for-kvm-on-centos-6/
> (because I found out that vmware server 2 does not work on centos 6) I go to the
> point where I tried to create a new VM in the virt-manager. At that point I get
> "no hypervisor options were found for this connection" in the manager but no
> entries in the logs in /var/log
> Googling tells me to check to make sure that the service is running, and it is.
> Where to check next?

Make sure libvirtd service is started and kvm module loaded.
