[CentOS] RHEV guest tools

Thu Dec 29 14:21:06 UTC 2011
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 12/29/2011 04:34 AM, Johan Kooijman wrote:
>> You are using RHEV2.2 right?
>> There are no such tools for this version.
> That's right, explains why I haven't been able to find 'em.
>> RHEV3.0 has RHEL guest agent for both RHEL5 guests and RHEL6 guest, the sources should be open in ovirt.org in the near future
>> http://www.ovirt.org/project/subprojects/
>> If you use CentOS as the guest then you'll have to compile it yourself :)
> Thanks, that's helpful!

Would this spec file (and source tar ball) built the proper package?

If not, where would I get it.

I would be happy to build the proper source for centos extras for CentOS

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