[CentOS] How to make nodes in my local LAN see each other's names

Johnny Hughes

johnny at centos.org
Fri Dec 2 15:15:34 UTC 2011

On 12/02/2011 08:54 AM, Lamar Owen wrote:
> On Friday, December 02, 2011 08:42:42 AM Les Mikesell wrote:
>> [netbios naming is] like a roomfull of people yelling out their own
>> name all the time as a means of identification with no way to handle
>> those out of hearing distance or to arbitrate duplicates.  
> ...
>> But that's a matter of luck, demanding that no one uses duplicates,
>> and that all machines can broadcast to each other (i.e., no routers
>> between them...).
> WINS does not work this way.  WINS works fine even when nodes are separated by routers and is the recommended way (at least by MS) to do SMB/CIFS name resolution in a routed network.

I agree with Lamar ... I use WINS on a routed VPN network that has a
dozen offices that uses Samba on Linux (and OpenLDAP) as the Domain
Controller.  Samba has an option called:

remote announce

and another called:

remote broswer sync

These two options keep all my WINS/SMB networks synced all across the US.

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