[CentOS] 6.2 release: a thank you

Alain Péan

alain.pean at lpp.polytechnique.fr
Wed Dec 21 19:27:29 UTC 2011

Le 21/12/2011 19:49, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn a écrit :
> On 12/21/2011 07:25 PM, Louis Lagendijk wrote:
>> Gents
>> I would like to express my appreciation for the unbelievably quick
>> release of Centos 6.2. Thanks a million! You managed to release 6.2 some
>> 10 days after 6.1. Johnny, you are not that ugly after all :-).
> I concur and just out of curiosity does anyone have the upstream vs.
> downstream timing of all previous releases? Could the be the fastest
> release in the history of Centos so far?
> Regards,
>     Dennis

Hi Dennis,

See wikipedia :

I noticed that the release date of 6.2 was updated on this page at least 
as fast as 6.2 was released !
FWIW, 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 were released faster, and 4.9 as fast. But I 
agree, it was a very pleasant surprise to see 6.2 released as fast, 
after the big delay of 6.0 and 6.1.

Could the developpers explain what change in the process to achieve such 
a quick release (after a mail a few weeks ago of Johnny explaining how 
difficult it was now...) ?

And yes, I agree, Johnny and Karanbir are not that ugly after all !


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