[CentOS] Group permission problems [RESEND]

Tue Dec 13 11:10:47 UTC 2011
Michael Velez <mikev777 at hotmail.com>

Hello all,

Re-sending due to incorrect mapping of linefeeds from hotmail.

I'm having an issue with group permissions.

I have created a group called smbusers which I have added myself to,
with the following commands:

# groupadd smbusers
# usermod -G smbusers michael

I then create a directory called foodir, owned by adm with group
smbusers.  Permissions are correct (770) but I cannot access the
directory.  When I change permissions to 777, I can access.

Below is output from various commands, run as user michael:

$ groups michael
michael: michael, smbusers

$ groups
michael adm

$ id
uid=500(michael) gid=500(michael) groups=4(adm), 500(michael)

The /etc/group file shows I'm in the smbusers group but does not show
I'm in the adm group (although I believed I added myself to the adm
group when I installed CentOS).

Clearly, I don't know what I'm doing and I'm confused. Can anybody guide
me to where I need to go?
