[CentOS] Configuring a cluster

Tue Feb 8 15:59:48 UTC 2011
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Johnny H wrote:
> Dear all,
> Thank you very much for your answers; am a little overwhelmed as I did
> not expect so many so fast. I will take a look at your suggestions and
> sites.

*chuckle* I was thinking you didn't realize how many kinds there were.
> The cluster is medium performance for something called bioinformatics;
> we are looking at next generation sequence data.
> I know it had Centos installed and was using Torque/PBS for running
> cluster jobs. This was set up by a company and we want to install
> fresh.
> If I get anywhere without a sys admin, I will post (maybe another
> question).

Um, right. I think you need to email me, offlist: the gov't agency I work
for does just that, and I'm one of a team of three that supports just that
