[CentOS] Strange Kernel for Centos 5.5

Sat Feb 12 03:36:23 UTC 2011
Joshua Baker-LePain <jlb17 at duke.edu>

On Fri, 11 Feb 2011 at 6:38pm, Drew wrote

>> RHEL and CentOS have much, much tighter basic privilege handling. The
>> complexity of the NTFS ACL structure, for example, is so frequently
>> mishandled that it's often ignored and simply dealt with as
>> "Administrator". The result is privilege escalation chaos.
> And how is the user-group-world permissions system any better?
> I work daily with both *nix & NTFS ACL's and given the choice I prefer
> NTFS' for the finer grained control.

Erm, *nix has fully functional ACLs as well.  'man setfacl'

Joshua Baker-LePain
QB3 Shared Cluster Sysadmin