On 02/15/11 5:22 PM, Craig White wrote: > talk to the system& database administrator for the machine, assuming > they are interested in getting it backed up. I think by default, user > 'postgres' doesn't need a password but then again, I wouldn't use that > user on active database. I would create a user for that purpose...it's > rather trivial. indeed, my examples were purely for diagnostic purposes. the postgres unix account should ONLY be used for database administration. it typically has no password on a clean install, I showed the # prompt to indicate those commands would be issued by root. if you're doing an initial install of bacula (I was assuming this was a previously working system that somehow stopped working), then something like.. # su - postgres postgres$ psql .... postgres=> create user bacula with password 'xxxyyy'; CREATE USER postgres=> create database bacula with owner bacula; CREATE DATABASE; postgres=> \q postgres$ exit ... would create a bacula SQL user and a empty bacula database owned by this user, which you could use for bacula.