[CentOS] initlog is deprecated

Sun Feb 20 23:16:47 UTC 2011
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 02/20/2011 04:58 PM, Tim Dunphy wrote:
> Hey guys,
>  good call! yes this is a custom ssh. It's a version that has LPK
> capabilities (LDAP public keys) included.  It is the product of an rpm
> built from a spec file and tarball that was patched with LPK.
> [root at LCENT01:~] #rpm  -qa | grep ssh
> openssh-askpass-gnome-5.6p1-7.el5.em2
> openssh-askpass-5.6p1-7.el5.em2
> openssh-server-5.6p1-7.el5.em2
> openssh-5.6p1-7.el5.em2
> openssh-debuginfo-5.6p1-7.el5.em2
> openssh-clients-5.6p1-7.el5.em2
> so yes the speculation that the init script is to blame for this
> message is to blame for this is a good one. I'm including my init in
> the hopes that somebody with more experience of / knowledge of init
> scripts can point me in the right direction.
> I certainly appreciate your help here. The centos list has gotten me
> over some pretty brutal humps in the past.
> best!

It is not a problem .. the newer openssh is telling you that init log is
not how things are going to be in the future.  The reason you have this
warning is that you are using a package that is not part of CentOS.

If you take a look at man sshd, there may be a switch you can pass in to
make it not do that warning.  You would have to edit the init.d startup
script (probably /etc/init.d/sshd) if there is such a switch.

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