[CentOS] http://www.securityweek.com/high-severity-bind-vulnerability-advisory-issued

Wed Feb 23 19:14:42 UTC 2011
Always Learning <centos at g7.u22.net>

Many thanks to Markus Falb for publishing his excellent research - the
same research that Larry could also have done.

        "This issue did not affect the versions of bind as shipped with
        Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, 5, or 6."

James Hogarth wrote:

> He obviously has a fascination with the BIND version ...

Larry doesn't. Larry is desperate to win 'approval' or 'praise' from
others. He means well.  Larry should seek help, confide in someone and
unload all his problems privately and confidentially. Then he will be,
and feel, a lot better.

Great to know this list has good researchers like Markus Falb.

With best regards,
