[CentOS] http://www.securityweek.com/high-severity-bind-vulnerability-advis ory-issued

Wed Feb 23 21:11:14 UTC 2011
Larry Vaden <vaden at texoma.net>

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 2:43 PM, R P Herrold <herrold at owlriver.com> wrote:
> - Never use an ISP that requires provising sufficient personal
> information as needed to facilitate identity theft [1]; and
> solicts credit card information without any indication of PCI/CISP
> controls or privacy policy [2]

Thanks for the constructive criticism. The pricing page has been taken
down until it can be updated.  The language is from 1995.

Wrt the payment mechanism, that will take longer to fix, but we will fix it.

We will also look at BCPs wrt privacy.

Again, thanks for the constructive criticism.