[CentOS] VMware (was Re: current bind version)

Fri Feb 25 10:48:15 UTC 2011
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 02/24/2011 10:47 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On 2/24/11 8:56 PM, Scott Robbins wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 03:44:32PM +1300, Machin, Greg wrote:
>> <snip of good information>
>>> Rather use ESXi 4.1 and get
>>> up and running quickly. If your hardware is not on the supported list
>>> there are other lists of tested hardware where people have it running on
>>> "Unsupported" hardware.
>>> Player is not a solution if the Virtual machine needs to be running
>>> 24/7. It's more suited to testing and demo use.
>> Agreed--I haven't really found server, however, to be all that great for
>> 24/7, so I assumed (and we know what happens when one assumes), that it
>> was being used for testing.  For any sort of production use, ESXi 4.1 is
>> quite good.
> Player isn't good for most of my usage because most of the time I don't want the 
> console display at all - I just connect to the guests remotely with 
> freenx/ssh/vnc when necessary.  And I have Server 1.x setups that have run for 
> years with no attention or downtime.  I agree that ESXi is better, but it wasn't 
> free when I built the VMs and I'm running some native Centos stuff on the host 
> along with several guests.
> Anyway, my point was that the fabled library ABI stability of RHEL turned out 
> not to work for VMware Server 2.0.   But CentOS did come through with 
> bug-for-bug compatibility as promised, causing the same crashing behavior after 
> the same minor-rev update.

The ABI is not for things like VMWare when they screw up their updates
... it is for custom 3rd party software that you have spent
$1,000,000.00 having developed that will stop working when the ABI changes.

In the case of VMWare, they support RHEL, Fedora, Ubuntu, SuSE, etc. out
of the box and they made a mistake with their RH compile.

#1 is a far bigger issue than #2.

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