[CentOS] IP6 Anyone?

Sat Feb 26 20:24:11 UTC 2011
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

On 02/26/11 12:12 PM, Always Learning wrote:
> Because : is sometimes used in an address to indicate the start of a
> port number, examplehttp://www.anyonejunk.com:1234, the IP6 address can
> be enclosed within [ ] with the port number remaining outside the square
> brackets.

Thats, MUST be enclosed within []...   without those [ ], how would you 


is that...

?  Both of those are valid IPv6 addresses

if anything, I'd put the blame on this squarely on the committee that 
decided to use : as the IPv6 seperator when it was already in wide use 
as the URL port separator.