[CentOS] Any update on 5.6 / 6?

David Sommerseth

dazo at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Feb 16 10:01:17 UTC 2011

On 15/02/11 02:48, Brian Mathis wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 4:05 PM, John R. Dennison <jrd at gerdesas.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 05:00:43PM -0400, robert mena wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Despite the mailing list and twitter I did not find any updated info on
>>> either versions regarding the current status.
>>> So, what is the current status of both versions? (like 60%)
>>        Your request just moved it back by 15% and 2 weeks, not to
>>        mention all the innocent kittens that were killed.
>>                                                        John
> I wish people would take these requests as:
>     "Hey guys, I really love this project and I know there's a new
> version on the way.  I've been following all the right places for
> news, but I just can't contain my excitement.  Does anyone know when
> the next release is?  I'm more excited about it than most people are
> about Apple's new iThing"
> ...and react accordingly.  Instead, we get:
>     Don't bother people.  Get off my lawn.  Go pay for it if you want it so bad.
> To be fair this thread hasn't been as bad as most, but reflecting some
> excitement is free.  Anyway, here's my response:
> Hey man, I'm just as excited as you.  I really want to see what C6
> looks like and to start playing with it.  I'm so happy there's a
> modern kernel and recent packages so I don't have to hunt them down.
> I think C6 is going to be really cool.  I know the CentOS guys put in
> a lot of work and I have a lot of respect for them, but they're busy
> with real life too.  KB posted something on his Twitter, but you know
> how deadlines can be.  Stuff comes up.  All we can really do is wait
> until it comes out.  If you wanted to help out, here's a link for info
> on how to do that... [someone please fill in link here].

+1 ... Such feedback would really be a lot better than anything else.  Keep
people in the darkness, and they'll start looking for the light switch ...
provide them with a candle, and they'll sit more calmness, observing and
having fun.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

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