[CentOS] current bind version

Always Learning

centos at g7.u22.net
Thu Feb 24 02:33:02 UTC 2011

On Thu, 2011-02-24 at 15:08 +1300, Machin, Greg wrote:

> I have had an enquiry from the Network and Security guy. He wants to
> know why CentOS 5.5 /RHEL 5 is using a very old version of bind
> “bind-chroot-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_5.3” when the latest release that has many
> security fixes is on 9.7.3 . I understand that its to maintain a known
> stable platform by in introducing new elements etc .. Is there an
> official explanation / document that  I can direct him to.

It is my understanding the security issue neither affects the Red Hat
version of Bind nor the Centos derivative for operating system releases
4 and 5. 

This subject was mentioned here with some passion in the last 48 hours
but I don't keep copies.

Please suggest to your "guy" he needs to do some Googling to find recent
emails from this mailing list and other sources which may provide
further information.

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